2013年10月25日 星期五

IMBA商管碩士在職專班英文管理個案討論 2011/09/16

Case Study--Time for an End Run ( Source: Harvard Business Review Edited by Mr.Friending Consultants)
Background Description
·       Company introduction
(1)  The Manchester
(2)  sold life, pension, and general insurance, as well as reinsurance
(3)  suffered financial setbacks as a result of exposure in the U.S. subprime-housing market
(4)  Scotia’s internal auditors found that roughly 500 million in liabilities had been either recorded incorrectly or not properly released in earlier reporting periods.
Key persons
  • Arlyn –HR
  • David Millet, the chairman of the board
  • Martha Leigh , the candidate
Scene 1
·       “I’m imagining a person of emotional intelligence, honesty, and humility, but of course someone with exceptional business sense," Arlyn said
l     Key Question: under the situation Scotia had faced, what kind of character or specialty that Arlyn expect the new CEO should equip with?
·       ''But I’m not certain we really want to rock the boat more than it’s already been, do we? After all, we responded quickly to the situation, and the worst is now behind us. We will be delivering squeaky-clean financials when we restate earnings. Then we should get back to business. The underlying fundamentals have not changed at all. What we need is a top-notch executive with sound industry experience and a head for the numbers."
l     Key Question: what’s the difference on the perspective of an ideal CEO for Scotia between David and Arlyn?
Scene 2
·       Work with me on the nominations and appointments committee to help define the type of person we need, and we've tried to find the best match we can." He paused. But you must understand that at the end of the day it will be my and the committee's decision
l     Key Question: even though Arlyn was in charge of the selection, the real decision was still made by the board members.
Scene 3
·       Martha said “I’ve found that if you give people latitude and good, challenging work, they reward you with productivity. And when employees are happy, customers are happy."  ''I would make sure everything, but everything, is out in the open.”
l     Key Question: Did you like the management philosophy of Martha and will it be fitted into Scotia in your opinion ?
Scene 4
·       ''Somehow she seems very-I don’t know. I can't put my finger on it. Awfully abrupt. Lacking a certain grace. More aggressive than one would expect, really. Perhaps she’s been in America too long. Just my instinct." David  said.
l     Key Question: what stopped David from saying yes to the candidate?
Additional supplementary material: Movie watch(Case Study— Time for an End Run)

